A realtor once told me that home buyers often are swayed positively or negatively over very small things. Buyers sometimes reject a house because they don’t like the color of the living room or the carpet in the bedroom. One realtor told me that he sold a very expensive house because the buyers fell in love with its dining room chandelier. A chandelier sold the house!
Now, we can argue that there were other factors at work. It wasn’t just the chandelier that won one sale or the living room paint that lost another. It’s likely there were other considerations that swung the decision positively or negatively – but the paint or the chandelier provided the tipping point, triggering the decision.
Just like home buyers, customers often make large decisions based on a culmination of relatively small things. Some of their calls weren’t returned promptly, so the supplier is seen as unresponsive. Not communicating effectively about delivery issues can become huge irritants for the customer, even though each delivery issue may in itself be relatively minor.
Small things can add up to big things. Each isolated and seemingly insignificant event can become a big deal when a rash of minor issues is viewed in combination.
Taking the time to talk with customers often uncovers the reality that what we see as small things, the customer views as major issues. Customers often raise concerns that can be resolved with one call or the click of a computer key. The point is that we can’t correct what we don’t hear. Making the commitment to talk with your customers enables you to understand and correct issues before they become a big thing.
Here is the question: Are you committed to listening to your customers? Are you prepared to hear about and correct both large and small issues before they become big?
Final question: I just risked my neck standing on a ladder to install a stained glass window in my house. Do you suppose it will help me to attract a buyer?
Gary Gerds, Managing Partner
E.G. Insight